
mlbgame.object module

Module that is used for holding basic objects

#!/usr/bin/env python

"""Module that is used for holding basic objects"""

def setobjattr(obj, key, value):
    """Sets an object attribute with the correct data type."""
        setattr(obj, key, int(value))
    except ValueError:
            setattr(obj, key, float(value))
        except ValueError:
            # string if not number
                setattr(obj, key, str(value))
            except UnicodeEncodeError:
                setattr(obj, key, value)

class Object(object):
    """Basic class"""

    def __init__(self, data):
        """Creates an object that matches the corresponding values in `data`.

        `data` should be a dictionary of values.
        # loop through data
        for x in data:
            setobjattr(self, x, data[x])


def setobjattr(

obj, key, value)

Sets an object attribute with the correct data type.

def setobjattr(obj, key, value):
    """Sets an object attribute with the correct data type."""
        setattr(obj, key, int(value))
    except ValueError:
            setattr(obj, key, float(value))
        except ValueError:
            # string if not number
                setattr(obj, key, str(value))
            except UnicodeEncodeError:
                setattr(obj, key, value)


class Object

Basic class

class Object(object):
    """Basic class"""

    def __init__(self, data):
        """Creates an object that matches the corresponding values in `data`.

        `data` should be a dictionary of values.
        # loop through data
        for x in data:
            setobjattr(self, x, data[x])

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(

self, data)

Creates an object that matches the corresponding values in data.

data should be a dictionary of values.

def __init__(self, data):
    """Creates an object that matches the corresponding values in `data`.
    `data` should be a dictionary of values.
    # loop through data
    for x in data:
        setobjattr(self, x, data[x])